Not for honour.
We recently got the chance to have a pop at Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 at the invite of Konami. We had around an hour or so to dig into Metal Gear Solid and its two sequels (as well as have a quick gander at all the bonus content on offer), which isn’t a huge amount of time for games of this scale, but we were able to get a broad idea of how the collection pans out. So, what’s the damage?
We started off with the OG, Metal Gear Solid. We were initially struck with the reality that this really is a warts-and-all kind of port, sticking to the original PS1 version’s low resolution and frame rate. We had a bit of a giddy retro thrill seeing it run as originally intended, but it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity to not take things even further and provide a way to play these games that’s more in line with modern sensibilities.
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