‘Hearthstone’ Caverns of Time Is the Game’s First Direct-to-Wild Expansion Coming September 1st

1 year ago 146

Blizzard just announced that the newest expansion for Hearthstone (Free) will be the game’s first direct-to-wild expansion. Hearthstone Caverns of Time launches on August 31st or September 1st depending on your timezone bringing in 147 cards (34 new ones, 113 buffed cards, and new Signatures). Hearthstone Caverns of Time has been designed with the Wild and the new Twist format in mind. Caverns of Time cards can be unlocked from the shop and events or quests. A friend of mine got me to redownload Hearthstone to see how it runs on macOS and I had fun playing my old deck of legendaries. I doubt I will be coming back to playing regularly, but I’m interested to see how this direct-to-wild expansion and the Twist format for for the game. Check out the newest Battlrgrounds season trailer below:

Alongside the launch of Hearthstone Caverns of Time, a new set of decks will be included to be Battle-ready. These can be bought with gold or real money. These aim to allow you to get new decks at a lower Runestones or money cost. There are also Lite Battle-Ready decks planned that cost less. We will likely learn more of the upcoming Hearthstone Twist mode and the expansion in the coming days with the reveal of the major patch notes. Read more about the expansion here. If you haven’t grabbed Hearthstone yet, check it out here on the App Store. Do you play Hearthstone often?

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