Helldivers 2: Servants of Freedom Warbond launches February 6

1 month ago 13

Let’s be honest, Helldivers: Super Earth is worth it. No matter what “it” is. All Helldivers share this belief, and fanatical loyalty is expected from all citizens of Super Earth. But the Helldivers need to demonstrate their allegiance. They need to look like the democratic disciples they are inside, and the only way we know to properly show it off is with the gear from our next Warbond*: Servants of Freedom which launches on February 6.

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So what does true devotion to Democracy look like?

Hellbombs. It looks like Hellbombs. They really send a message: liberation is big, loud, and happening all around you. It gets the spirit of democracy soaring, and gets a lot of other things soaring, too, like buildings, Bile Titans, and Automaton industrial sites. Now, imagine you’ve got that kind of freedom strapped to your back. That’s the B-100 Portable Hellbomb, a beacon of democratic truth in a convenient backpack format, which can be easily activated by you or a helpful teammate. Just be sure to drop the pack and clear the area once it’s active, because the B-100’s got a ten-second countdown that can’t be canceled.

How do you make the Sickle do more? Overclock it and bring some heat. The LAS-17 Double-Edge Sickle is pure agony meets ecstasy as it starts to burn the wielder as well as everything in its path. Shoot through the pain, Helldiver.

To help you spread liberty around, you could equip the GP-20 Ultimatum–a front-loading grenade pistol for your secondary slot. The Ultimatum packs a punch like a grenade launcher on steroids, designed for closer-range use. But handle it with care, or you might accidentally liberate yourself along with the enemy. 

There’s a new kind of throwable in Servants of Freedom, too. The G-50 Seeker is a small drone that follows you and explodes near enemies when detected. The Seeker can also target pinged enemies, like sending it on a little crusade.

The IE-3 Martyr and the IE-12 Righteous medium armors have robe and cloak-inspired details and come equipped with the Integrated Explosives passive, which gives every Helldiver protection against becoming Voteless: Upon death, your corpse will detonate and take out the enemies around you. Nobody’s going to control your mind, soldier.

These armors also have helmets with stoic faces to stare down the onslaught without fear. Show no weakness, Helldiver. Then drape yourself in symbolic reminders of your enlistment oath by pairing these sets with the Fre Liberam and Per Democrasum capes.

For the full effect, you can also equip the Servant of Freedom player title and equip the Raise Weapon cheer and look like a real follower of democratic values.

Become one of Super Earth’s most faithful fighters and show the squad your fervor for Managed Democracy with the Servants of Freedom Warbond on February 6!

*Requires base game, paid purchase of Super Credits, and game progression to unlock.

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