Random: Disney Animator Creates Stunning 30-Second Short Using 3DS eShop Apps

1 year ago 96

Toadally amazing tribute.

As you're probably already aware — you certainly should be if you're a regular around these parts! — the 3DS and Wii U eShops are closing for new purchases next week. The closure has got many of us wistful for Nintendo's last-gen duo and the many excellent titles they hosted — games and more specialised apps alike. Using a selection of creative tools that are still available on the 3DS eShop at the time of writing, Walt Disney Animation Studios animator Wayne Unten has created an incredible short as a tribute to the console and its software.

Wayne got in touch with us recently to nominate those apps he used for our Countdown series (look out for that later today), but we felt this fantastic 30-second short (below) — titled Toadal Disaster — deserved to be showcased separately.

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