Random: 'Wii Shop Wednesday' Twitter Account Is Closing Shop

2 years ago 166

Super Mario RPG... Sonic the Hedgehog, Donkey Kong 3.

Update Day! We all love Update Day, don't we? Every Wednesday, we all love to shop for the best Wii games when the Wii Shopping Channel gets updated with new games to buy. And, of course, that was the genesis of sketch comedy group Nirvana The Band The Show's little skit about surfin' the Wii Shopping Channel and singin' along. Refresh your memory if you will:

Since November 2020, one person named Quinn has been operating a Twitter account called "Wii Shop Wednesday", which tweets out the sketch every Wednesday, accompanied by "Wii Shop Wednesday Wisdom", an additional tweet that imparts wise words to its followers. Wise words like this:

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