Soapbox: Wario Land 4 Deserves More Love, And Indie Devs Are Doing What Nintendon't

2 years ago 227

Wario wary? HURRY UP! and play.

Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Scott ponders how Mario's nemesis number 2 deserves more respect...

In the conversation of all-time great video games you have many Nintendo faces who show up near enough every time; Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, most main-series Super Mario games. And while all of those live up to their high praise and deserve to be mentioned amongst the greats, there are many Nintendo titles that unjustly don't get mentioned in that conversation. Games like Rhythm Paradise Megamix and Kid Icarus: Uprising, which ā€” despite them being tremendous experiences ā€” very rarely make the cut. While I could argue with you over how fantastic those two games are, Iā€™m here to talk about another, which, despite a cult following and even receiving very positive review scores at the time, is rarely brought up in all-timer conversations: Wario Land 4.

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