Vanillaware President Really Wants A 'Muramasa' Port But Admits "There Are Problems"

2 years ago 152

"Our priority now is to start with the homework that has been piling up".

In a recent interview with Nintenderos, Vanillaware president George Kamitani admitted that he wants to bring Wii Metroidvania Muramasa: The Demon Blade to modern consoles one day. However, there are things stopping it.

Vanillaware has been on a bit of a roll lately with Switch ports. In 2022, the critically acclaimed sci-fi adventure game 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim got a near-flawless port on the console, and in a few months' time, PS2 RTS GrimGrimoire is getting an enhanced rerelease called GrimGrimoire OnceMore. And while Kamitani wants the beautiful Edo Japan-set Metroidvania to join those two titles (Odin Sphere and Dragon's Crown have both also received ports on other consoles), it's not so easy.

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